Monday, March 9, 2009

Teacher Tube (class blog)

This blog is about TeacherTube. TeacherTube shows great remsemblance to the wellknown YouTube. It contains a variety of different videos from which range in subjects. TeacherTube has educational videos on a numerous variety of subjects. You can go to TeacherTube and search for videos on something you may like to teach about, or you can even upload a video yourself. If you have an educational video that you would like to share, TeacherTube is perfect for that. TeacherTube is the perfect site for teachers and future teachers. All should check it out.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Web 2.0 (class blog)

Ok for this blog, I am going to be talking about different Web 2.0 applications. One such application is Twitter. Twitter is a fun application that can be used in various ways. Twitter allows you to tell people what you are doing at any given moment. You can use Twitter in your class room as well. You can tell students when you wont be in class or for any other class announcement you might want to make. Another Web 2.0 that is popular is Facebook. I love Facebook! Facebook allows you to keep in-touch with all of your friends no matter where they are. Facebook also has fun little things you can do like games and things. These Web 2.o applications are just two of thousands that there are out there. 

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

YouTube It Up (class blog)

YouTube! Nuff Said! lol! No seriously, YouTube has become a big part of people's lives. YouTube can be used for just about anything. For instance, YouTube can be used for educational purposes or for merely entertainment reasons.  You can almost find anything your interested in on YouTube. You can even set up your own account with YouTube and place videos that you have created on there. It's amazing. I love going to YouTube during my free time to watch videos. I think everyone should go to sometime. I really think everyone would get some enjoyment out of it. :)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

21st century education (class blog)

The 21st century skills (from google doc) are as follows: Collaboration, Critical Thinking, Oral/Written Communications, Citizenship/Global Studies, Career Studies, and Content and Research. I think that these are some excellent skills to go about teaching with, but however I do not think that schools are properly being set up for them. As soon to be new teachers, we are being taught these skills, but I do not believe that the school systems are inquiring these skills at the same level as we are learning them. Many schools (I will not say all) still push upon students skills like memorization. We are being taught different techniques, and when we enter the school systems, our students will not be acustom to these measures. I think that school systems need to inquire these new 21st century skills more efficiently. 

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


OMG!!! I am sooooo tired of the snow ..... I want warm weather already .... Snow is good for like 2 or 3 days and after that it should just go away!!! Its snowing right now and i HATE it :'( .... I want to see flowers and green trees and even grass lol .... Im tired of being cold all the time .... It was soo nice out a couple of days ago and then the stupid snow had to go and ruin it .... :'( ... Im soo not liking the snow right now .. Plus i have to walk to class in it .. And thats not fun!! Not fun at all!!! Its all slushy and icky outside .. At least its not icey out anymore ... Its definetly not fun walking to class on ice .. All the slipping and sliding ... So not fun!!! Ugh!! Im just in a "i hate the snow" sort of mood right now ... Blah!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

New Semester

OmG! So the new semester has started... Well, actually it started over a week ago, but im just now getting around to making a new blog ... ive seriously been lagging behind on these things.. Anyways .... a new semester = new adventures (so to say) ... meeting new people .. new classes .. new experiences .. just a whole lot of new ... lol .. im really excited about this semester .. it could possibly turn out to be the best one yet .. well at least i hope so .. :) ...Anyways this is just a blah/new blog.. No point to it .. Just trying to get myself back into the swing of blogging lol ..